A Review Study on Advancements in Reverse Supply Chain Management for Industrial Waste Management Process

Document Type : Review Paper


1 Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education

2 Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education Kumaracoil, Thuckalay, Kanyakumari District, 629180


Supply chain management (SCM) is the active management of supply chain activities to optimize customer value and establish a sustainable competitive advantage. It demonstrates that supply chain management firms are actively working to establish and run source chains as profitably and well as they can. The activities that comprise the supply chain include the development of products, procurement, manufacturing, shipping, and the data systems wanted to oversee these processes. This review presents information. SCM was introduced in the opening paragraph of this page, which was followed by information about the participants and the procedures used by different businesses. It employs sustainable supply chain management (SSCM), which offers five-dimensional sustainable approaches, and presents GSCM in this study. The needs in the industrial industry's supply chain are continuously presented. Accordingly, the waste material management process is presented for different manufacturing industries, however, it consists of waste management methods like disposal method, landfill, and incineration. Additionally, this study presents detailed information about reverse Supply Chain Management (RSCM), their concept and process are explained in this review. The review describes the state of the art in survey technology, the methodology of implementation, the definition and motivation of the research topic, current trends and advancements, and the goal of the study. Reviewers came to the conclusion that RSCM controls the waste product well as a result. Utilizing the components and materials of returned goods to cut down on raw material usage and expenses is the focus of supply management in reverse logistics (RL). In future, reverse logistic SCM is introduced in the automobile industry to efficiently manage automobile waste.


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