Integrating the Supply Chain to Excel: The Moderating Role of Competitive Advantage

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Management Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, Ghana

2 Department of Economics, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, Ghana


This research expands the evolving information body about supply chain management (SC) activities by re-evaluating the links that supply chain integration (SCI) has with financial and operational performance by subjecting under-tier competitive strategy. Quantitative data was gathered from 120 Ghanaian firms and analyzed using descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and regular regression models. The study found that a reasonable level of SCI has already been achieved by firms with average performance but the degree of integration varies greatly when it comes to supplier integration. The study results support the contingency theory and reinforce the latest findings of empirical research that SCI positively affects firm performance. The study further found that internal integration is much more accessible than the integration of consumers and suppliers, and the integration of suppliers is less practiced among Ghanaian firms. The results confirmed that there is a moderate role played by competitive strategy on the relationship between SCI and operational performance.


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