International Journal of Supply and Operations Management (IJSOM) is a scholarly peer-reviewed international scientific journal and is committed to publishing scholarly empirical and theoretical research articles that have a high impact on the engineering & management field as a whole. All aspects of the subject in relation to Logistics, Supply and Operations Management are covered. The ultimate objective of the journal is to disseminate knowledge for improving industrial practice and to strengthen the theoretical base necessary for supporting sound decision making. IJSOM will cover the full range of Industrial Engineering, Supply Chain Management, Operations Management and the other related fields. This is ensured by subjecting each paper to a strict assessment procedure by International editorial board. This journal publishes original articles reporting fields and advances in theory, methodology, applications, general surveys, reviews, and etc.


About IJSOM:

Special Issues:


Current Issue: Volume 11, Issue 4, November 2024, Pages 390-516 

Multivariate Sales Forecasting Using Gated Recurrent Unit Network Model

Pages 390-416


W.A. Roshan S. Jayasekara; P. T. Ranil S. Sugathadasa; Oshadhi Herath; Niles Perera

Impact of Work-Life Balance and Work Engagement on Innovative Work Behavior

Pages 448-461


Pandapotan Sitompul; Djoko Soelistya; Peran Simanihuruk; Titik Purwati; Efendi Efendi

Publication Information


Senior Editor Director-in-Charge Editor-in-Chief Executive Manager
Print ISSN
Online ISSN

Indexing and Abstracting

Keywords Cloud

Supply chainUncertaintyInventoryDeteriorationSustainabilityOptimizationIndustry 4.0Game theoryRobust optimizationVehicle routing problemPricingReverse logisticsSensitivity AnalysisInflationClosed-loop supply chainResilienceSupplier SelectionSimulated AnnealingFuzzy TOPSISCOVID-19Green supply chainFuzzy AHPSimulated annealing algorithmcircular economyMulti-Criteria Decision MakingBullwhip effectStructural equation modelingSchedulingMaintenanceMathematical formulationVehicle routingdigital transformationFactor analysisFacility locationTransportationNSGAIIShortagesLiterature ReviewIoTNetwork designMixed integer linear programmingCorporate social responsibilityFirm performanceData envelopment analysis (DEA)Stochastic demandFuzzy theoryData envelopment analysisMulti-objective optimizationClosed loop supply chainEfficiencyStackelberg gameMulti-objective ProgrammingPrice Dependent DemandLogisticsNSGA-IIOrder allocationCase StudySystem dynamicsDisruptionHuman resource managementKeywords: Inventory ManagementClusteringExpert systemIntermodal transportationGoal programmingMarkov chainPrice discountRisk MitigationNRGANetwork DEAMeta-heuristic AlgorithmGrey numbersFuzzy logicCommon weightsStatistical methodsFuzzy goal programmingChallengesOperational performance